CALENDAR / TOUR2024-05-23T21:23:04+02:00


The Red Guy

  •                        CALENDAR
  • 9-20 May,  Kulturel Land Party, Mutzingenta, Raum2, Gustritz, Groß heide, Beesum20, Deutschland
  • 24,25 May, Piazzetta, Bassum, DE
  • 7 June MarkenBude Eröffnung, Recklinghausen
  • 26-30 June Glastonbury Music Festival, UK
  • 5-7 July, La Spezia, Italy
  • 18 July Berg en Dal, NL *TotaalTheater
  • 21 July Crailsheim, DE
  • 9 August Limburg OPTION *TotaalTheater
  • 15-16 August OPTION *TotaalTheater
  • 6-8 September KopjeCulture, NL  2023 Best Show Award
  • 21 September „Waiting for DADO“ Theater production, Jungestheater, DE
  • 22 September Der Lingener TheoKleinKunst, DE
  • 6-7 October Moeskroen BE *TotaalTheater
  • 20 October – 1 November Recklinghausen Leuchtet, DE
  • 7-10 December, FINComedy Festival, Sicily *OPTION
  • 2025
  • 15-17 Theater in ‚t Groen, NL

März 2023

Start Festival *Totaal Theater

March 12, 2023, Start Festival Promotional festival in Tegelen, NL

The kick-off to the season is this weekend.  You get 4 chances to see me on „The Doorway Cabaret“ Stage

I am looking forward to seeing you!

Research for GVL

23 April, Black Clown and Friends, Forschheim, DE

Junges Theater Forchheim, Germany

I’m looking forward to illustrious guests this time as well:
– Dado (Canadian Clown)
– Mrs. Clarity (Magic Paper Theater, USA)
– Captain Bernie (Street Theater, Austria)
– Michael Zandl (Jonglage/Object Theater, Austria)

12 Mai, Hamm, DE

International Strassentheatre

„Classic“ DADO

18-29 Mai, Mutzingenta Summer Festival 2023

May 18-29,2023  Kulturel Landparty

We will see you all there with bells on. Possibly in a tent most definitely in a show!

Mutzingenta Schedule:  Small Tent Shows

DADO: Family Comedy Show

Mrs. Clarity’s Alchemy of Paper: Poetic Storytelling, Paper Magic

DADO: Doorway Cabaret: In the Field

DADO on the go: Beesem20, NeuTram, Güstriz, etc… Check my Instagram & Facebook for a more complete and up to date daily program @TheDadoShow   #TheDadoShow


8-10 June, PitFestival, Norway

8-10 June Porsgrunn International Theater Festival: PIT is Norway’s largest international theatre festival.

„Waiting for DADO“ indoor theatre production

21-25 June, 2023, Glastonbury, Theater and Circus, UK

Theatre and Circus Field, UK

Glastonbury’s smallest stage „The Doorway Cabaret“ Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Scary & Spooky Skeletons walk act Thursday, Friday, and Sunday

Glastonbury Festival (formally Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts and known colloquially as Glasto) is a five-day festival of contemporary performing arts that takes place in Pilton, Somerset, England. Glastonbury is attended by around 200,000 people. In addition to contemporary music, the festival hosts dance, comedy, theatre, circus, cabaret, and other arts.

21-23 July, 2023, Lugano Buskers Festival, Switzerland

 2023, 2018, 2015, 2012, 2010

An absolute joy to be back on the Lake and in one of my favourite festivals! Looking forward to seeing you all there in Tacino!


20 August, StrapatZen, Belgium *Option

De kop is eraf, de eerste editie na de verhuis van het Strapatzen festival van Wambeek naar de site naast het gemeentehuis in Ternat vond plaats in 2021. We bouwden er een mooie festival locatie uit en konden een mooi programma voorleggen

3 September, Geffen, NL *Option

Recklinghausen Leuchtet Oct.20-Nov.5

Meine Auftrittsorte und -zeiten werden auf @TheDadoShow bekannt gegeben und @releuchtet

Der Regenplan ist immer auf dem Holzmarktplatz

24.10. Markt

26.10. Kirchplatz
27.10. Markt
28.10. Schamburgstraße

01.11. Markt

05.11. Kirchplatz

National Circus Festival Ireland, 2-5 November

November 4, 2023 : At the heart of the festival is Circus Siamsa, a variety show, held each year in Siamsa Tíre theatre. This year, as every year, an entirely new show has been created by Fanzini Productions for the good people of Tralee and beyond, bringing the stars of contemporary circus, street and variety performance to the stage in Siamsa. It’s a family show but not just for kids! This year handpicked acts from Canada, Italy, Spain, Germany, Venezuela, Mallorca, France and Sligo will come for one day to thrill, delight and amaze the lucky audiences who are there to witness this unique spectacle! This show is a highlight of the festival and not to be missed! “It’s circus Jim but not as we know it.”

Clown showcase, „Der zeitgenössische Clown im Zirkus ist eine ausdrucksstarke Erfahrung, die das Publikum zu tiefen Emotionen bewegt.“

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