20 August, StrapatZen, Belgium *Option
De kop is eraf, de eerste editie na de verhuis van het Strapatzen festival van Wambeek [...]
De kop is eraf, de eerste editie na de verhuis van het Strapatzen festival van Wambeek [...]
International Street theatre
2023, 2018, 2015, 2012, 2010 An absolute joy to be back on the Lake and in [...]
Theatre and Circus Field, UK Glastonbury's smallest stage "The Doorway Cabaret" Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Scary [...]
17-18 June
May 18-29,2023 Kulturel Landparty We will see you all there with bells on. Possibly in a [...]
International Strassentheatre "Classic" DADO
March 12, 2023, Start Festival Promotional festival in Tegelen, NL The kick-off to the season is [...]
As the season gets rolling I am happy to bring to the people all the new [...]
I will be seeing you in Freiburg @IKF https://www.kulturboerse-freiburg.de/de/ this next week. If you see me [...]